Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Corporate Purpose Statement

Friends of President Reagan’s Chicago Home (the Corporation) is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or a corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).  More specifically, the Corporation is organized to develop and operate a museum and center located at 832 E. 57th Street, in partnership with home’s current owner, reflecting the historical relevance of Reagan’s life growing up there and elsewhere in Illinois. The museum and center will also celebrate President Reagan’s historic accomplishments, highlight his suffering with Alzheimer’s, complementing mission of nearby Center for Care and Discovery, and provide educational and community-enriching opportunities.  Friends also intends to make a contribution each year to the other Reagan homes in Illinois underscoring that “The Ronald Reagan Trail” is one, with Chicago home enhancing the whole.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Friends Incorporates

Dear Friends of President Reagan's Chicago Home:

Today, the Friends of President Reagan's Chicago Home will incorporate in Illinois.

We will be blogging at

For information on the early stages of this national initiative, December 14, 2012 to January 13, 2013, see "Mary Claire's Pearl's of Wisdom."

The initiative came about when I visited Chicago on November 30, for a Hemingway-focused weekend after my mentor on Hemingway, Redd Griffin of Oak Park, suddenly and unexpectedly died on November 20.  He was the main person championing the cause of saving Reagan's South Side Chicago home on the edge of the University of Chicago campus.  Little Dutch Reagan lived there in that home with his family in 1915.

Little Ronald "Dutch" Reagan, standing next to his mother Nelle,
just before moving to Chicago.  To his right is his brother Neil,
nicknamed "Moon," and his father Jack.

When I stopped by the home on my way from Midway into town, it was a no-brainer it should be saved.

A week later, I wrote about it in the Washington Examiner and two days later Peter Hannaford penned a piece for the American Spectator.

Let's win one more for the Gipper and save the only Chicago home of the only president born and bred in Illinois. To support the cause, you may send tax-deductible contributions to:

Friends of President Reagan's Chicago Home 
P.O. Box 3772
Washington, DC 20027-3772 

Thank you for your support.


Mary Claire Kendall
Friends of President Reagan's Chicago Home

Mary Claire Kendall in front of the Reagan home at
832 E. 57th Street on Friday, November 30, 2012.
Credit: Matthew A. Rarey